Safety, Tower
Mike makes some good points here.
Every year we loose a lot of good people in the Tower Construction Business.
I thought a page dedicated to Safety issues qould be a good thing.
Keith, WA1HZK
Winter Tower Safety
The following links are to a very salient article regarding rigging
safety and dehydration, and hypothermia in cold temperatures. If you
own, manage, service or have equipment on towers in a cold location or
contract for work in the same environment, you would do well to read
this enlightening article in the Oct. 2014 edition of AGL Magazine:
"New Research Helps Explain Why Climbers Fall"
While this article is aimed directly at those who climb, there are some
very not so subtle recommendations aimed at site owners and project
managers surrounding the well being of workers who climb in those
conditions. And to some extent, the ground support workers and other
service providers exposed to the elements as well. All carry some
exposure and risk to dehydration and hypothermia from prolonged and
extended exposure.
Most of this knowledge is the result of studies on folks who spend a lot
of time in cold regions and those who have been injured and killed.
Climbing/working on towers is in many ways not much different than
climbing mountains from an exposure standpoint.
In sum, they are:
1) Where possible, provide a suitable warming area where the climbers
can strip down to street clothes, wrap in a warming blanket, and
completely warm extremities.
2) Provide cool and moderately warm water and/or performance beverages
to prevent dehydration and speed core warm-up.
3) Limit the time permitted on the tower between complete and thorough
warm-up sessions.
4) Include rules and limitations surrounding work occurring in cold
temperatures and permissible conditions for work to occurin the site and
project safety plan.
It is quite bad when something terrible happens to a rigger. Its
especially bad when an accident occurs on your project or tower.
Preventing a cold weather failure is much simpler and less costly than
dealing with a crisis, injury or worse.
Authored by: Mike McCarthy <towers@mre.com>