Factory Suppliers of

ROHN Products LLC


 Thomas Shelby Co., Inc. "BX" Towers

"ALL U.S.A. Made Steel"

For 2024

Towers, Lighting, Hardware, Engineering, Accessories & Construction

We Specialize in Factory Engineered Tower Solutions

Updated for 05 / 2024


ROHN Products/Pricing 2024

Old ROHN Data       ROHN Catalog Sheets

 "BX" Self Supporting       RSL Self Supporting

 "GT" Self Supporting       Telescoping Masts

 TWR Tower Lighting        Sites For Lease


          Local NH Stock

 Commercial Quotations         Enviro Buildings

Financing Your Tower

Order Form


"NEW" Photos Collection

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Surplus Items

Links      Northeast Contractors      Safety!

Batteries, All Types  Radio Equipment  PoliceFire/EMS Gear

NH Business # 148249

NH Vendor # 114225

US Gov. CCR #129842774

Notice: Prices can change on steel at any time. We try to be accurate but you must ask for a current price bid for all tower / parts orders.

We encourage you to contact us by e-mail or phone for a quotation as part numbers and availability / pricing change constantly.

Shipping quotes are only good for a few days. It's just the way it is now.


Ham Stuff